Referral Process

We’ve put together the following process for a referral to Forest City to ensure consistency:


1. Contact Forest City either via email ( or use the Contact Us page here on the website or by phone at (815) 627-0641.

2. Please leave a message and indicate

  • The name of the person who will be making the assessment appointment - e.g. "I'm making a referral for Jim Jones. His mother, Janet Jones, will be calling to make the appointment."

  • The types of assessments that are needed - for example, does the person just need a psychological, or does he require a psychiatric and psycho-social evaluation?

  • Any special needs or requirements for the evaluation.

3. Ask the guardian to contact Forest City to schedule an assessment appointment**. They can contact Forest City via email ( or ask them to use the Contact Us page here on the website) or by phone at (815) 627-0641. If contacting by phone please tell them to expect to leave a message.

Before contacting us, guardians should be made aware of our assessment schedule, assessment sites, and office hours.

Office hours are:  Monday thru Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

Assessment schedule - Mondays and occasional Fridays

**Note - Please do not ask the guardian to call until the referral packet has been sent (see item 4, below).

4. Forward background records and information to Forest City (see below for the types of information needed for each type of assessment). There are three ways to do this:

  • Scanned documents (preferred) can be sent to:

  • Documents can be mailed to:

Forest City Behavior
P.O. Box 229
Sublette, IL 61367

Background information and records - the referral packet - must be received before we can schedule an assessment.  The information in the referral packet is used to determine the types of assessments that will be needed and what, if any, additional supports and resources the individual may need to successfully complete an assessment.

*Please note: Under very special circumstances Forest City Behavior may be able to make arrangements to travel to an assessment site near a person, or on very rare occasion to complete assessments in a person's home.  This service, which requires significant additional planning, time, and resources, is reserved for people in situations that make them unable to travel to one of our regular assessment sites. Because of the additional resources involved it will typically take longer to schedule assessments of this type.

Information Needed for Assessments

All Assessments - There are a couple of items that are needed across all different types of assessment referrals:

  • The PAS Application and psychological referral form

  • A Release of Information (ROI) to share information between Forest City Behavior, LLC, and the referring agency


Psychological Evaluations - The objective here is to establish whether the person has a disability that presented prior to 22 years of age. For this purpose it is helpful to have:

  • Any available previous psychological evaluations. For adults, it is most helpful to have a previous psychological that dates to before the person reached 22 years of age.

  • Formal information (e.g. previous reports from school or medical professionals) indicating when the person’s disability was first recognized.

  • Any available information that indicates the person’s educational and/or vocational history.

Psychiatric Evaluations

  • As much information as possible regarding previous medications and history of psychiatric hospitalizations (if any).

  • Previous psychiatric progress notes or reports.

  • A listing of current medications.

Psycho-Social Evaluations

  • Information on family and personal history - documents that indicate names of parents and siblings, town of birth and town of current residence, and so on.

  • Information on educational and vocational history.

  • Income and resource information - what benefits does the person currently receive; What are their current non-income related supports in the community?

Questions on how any of this works? Contact us.